Today is not significant, but it is far from insignificant.
1. To have happy and healthy skin
2. Write it down. Keep a diary
3. Go an entire week without checking social media
4. Keep exercising regulary
5. Do my shoulder exercises
I woke this morning at 6:30am, feeling pretty good considering the lack of sleep lately. Perfect, I thought, I'll walk to the pier and watch the sunrise.
But it's forecast to rain today, so it'll be too overcast to see the sunrise. it will be way too cold, it's dark out there. I haven't caught up on enough sleep and it's the weekend, I should sleep in.
I roll over and fall back to sleep.
This is a common occurrence in my life. I have a thought, which almost immediately gets out voted by a train of excuses.
I wake again. It's takes ten minutes for me to roll out of bed and put on my running gear. I decide to ride my bike down to the beach so I can pick up some groceries on the way home.
I was right, it is too overcast to be able to see the sun and it is freekin' cold. Beyond cold. I guess tomorrow IS the first day of winter. If I had left the house earlier I probably would have been rewarded with a stunning sunrise, but alas, my anti-motivating excuses won this round.
I am still rewarded with a pretty stunning morning. The bay is dead still and a fog hangs on the water that blurs the horizon. The ocean is the sky and the sky is the ocean. I can just make out a freight ship creeping along in the distance. The marina to my right is full of sailing boats standing still and tall and behind them the city is waking up rising out of a light mist.
Behind the pavilion at the end of the pier, I sit down on a wooden boardwalk that faces the shore. There are two swans and a small family of ducks frolicking and feeding. There is one duckling; he is launching himself into his duck dive to get down to the bottom. He shakes his little head when he pops up creating ripples to form against the shore.
Watching him learning and growing lifts my heart and lifts my mood, the take away container carelessly thrown away that is moving with the ebb and flow of the water does not.
I have to keep moving, it's freezing!
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