The last few days have been rather exciting.
Plenty of exploring and new encounters.
Steve (Saturday 20th)
To quote Sir Ed, “we knocked the b*****d off”, all 590-odd metres of it! Up a near vertical track to the upper most point on the Norbett Creek Loop track. Well at least 1:1 (45deg)!😏. Okay it was bloody step with no level bits from bottom to top, so there!😠
Whilst Sophie and I didn’t quite need oxygen😮💨 the odd mask popping down from overhead (like in planes), would have been gratefully received.
Mum decided video call whilst we were 1/2 way on our ascent and commented on the intermittent transmission causing my voice to break up. Told her it was me trying to suck in enough oxygen to survive whilst still talking to her and nothing to do with the signal
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