Steph's Asia Trip
Went to Indian Market today -lots of colourful silks.
went to Monk Bowl Village where they make the monk bowls - the only place left!! Was interesting - especially seeing them make them. They're made from 8 peices of steel (representing the 8 spokes of the wheel of Dharma) and the joints are fused in a wood fire with bits of copper. The bowl is then polished and lacquered.
Also went to another temple - this one was good - called the Golden Mount - it's on a hill - good views of Bangkok.
Also - had an interesting experience with a monk!! He came to talk to me - he's a teacher and he gave me his e-mail address (he volunteered it - i didn't ask for it!) Now I have my own monk to e-mail!! - not really sure what to say though! It was funny - they're not allowed to touch women or stuff directly touching women, so I couldn't hand him a bit of paper - i had to put it down first so he could pick it up - sounds simple, but you have to make a concious effort to do it and it took me a few seconds to remember!! He was very sweet - spent quite a long time talking to him. I met him on the Golden Mount.
It suprises me the stuff monks have - sunglasses, e-mail addresses and yesterday I saw a monk at the Market haggling for a mobile!! Always seems wrong to see the monks on mobiles in their orange robes!! Guess that's modern day monkdom for you!!
Oh!! Last night I managed to get that book I wanted from my book shop!! And it was a photocopy so it was really cheap (1pound). Anyway - it was only short - just 180 pages, so I read it over dinner last night and took it back to the shop today - and as promised he bought it back off me at half price!! Genius!! Bought a book on Buddhism with the change!! Bargain!!
Was a good book (Bridge on the River Kwai) nothing spectacular but interesting, and exciting at the end - especially since I'll be there on Monday!
Collected my washing today (50p for the whole lot!!) spent ages smelling it - it smells so nice!! My whole bag was beginning to smell like mouldy laundry!! Scabby student travellers!
It's great here!
Booked my train for next Weds too - should be in Ko Tao by Thursday - wehoo!!
Hope everyone is well x
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