Steph's Asia Trip
Settled into Bangkok now - I like it here - it's really busy and there are so many back-packers!! Loads of markets and bars and clubs and lots of historic sites! Main drawback is that all the Thai people try to rip you off ALL the time - but I guess they would since a very large portion of their economy is based on tourism and Westerners are generally much better off.
After the terrible train journey we went to sleep. Our room was very nice and the hotel was good - rooftop pool, air con etc... We went out in the evening to get food on a nearby market street - the food was really good and very cheap (about 2 pounds for a meal) (not as cheap as malaysia - but this is more touristy). Alcohol is much cheaper here though.
Went to the red-light district, Patpong - clubs were supposed to be good. I've never seen so many strip clubs in all my life!! They were everywhere!! And so many lady-boys - very confusing as to which sex they are! On the way there in the tuk-tuk, Tom was talking to the driver about Ping-Pong shows - took me a while to realise whast they were talking about!! These people are sick!!! Who ever thought of that!! Anyway - out of curiosity we decided to go and see one!
There were loads of people on the streets trying to get us to go into the Bars and they come upto you with what looks like a food menu - but instead it says all the stuff you can see in the club - anyway - we agreed quite specifically that we would enter this bar for 100 baht each to see a ping pong show and each get a free drink. Got in there and suddenly all these girls were with us - - oh and there were girls dancing on stage (not as attractive as you might have thought! - made me feel great!!) the girls were trying to get us to buy them drinks - but we didn't - we just wanted to the see the show and leave. Then all these drinks appeared at the table!! At this point we knew something dodgy was happening - then the manager came over and presented us with a bill for 2100baht!!! I was livid!! I hit the roof!! Had an arguement with this stupid woman - we'd clearly said what we were going to pay and the bar person who got us in had agreed!! She got very cross with me. Obviously I refused to pay any more than the 100baht I had agreed to, so we left the money, took our drinks and left! Idiots! I wonder how many people go in there and then actually pay the 2100!! Although, on reflection, perhaps 100baht was a bit suspiciously cheap for a ping pong show?! wouldn't know what the going rate for one is! We went to some bars and a club after - had a nice time.
Yesterday we went to the Grand Palace - was spectacular!! See the photos - everything was very twinkly! Took pretty much the whole day - went to the museum etc. They really worship the King over here - quite interesting really - all wear yellow and t-shirts saying "long live the knig".
Went for diiner on our road and then to Thai boxing in the evening. Was less violent than I thought it would be (although there was a bit of blood which i didn't like). The boxers were very scrawny - in fact the first fight we saw the boxers looked like little boys rather than men - made me feel a bit uncomfortable. was an interesting experience though.
Found a great book market/road - and bought a secondhand book on Thailand. They even buy your old books off you!! Means I don't have to carry them around when I've finished with them.What a good idea!!
Moved into a new much cheaper place this morining 2pounds50 a night. Tom leaves at 3. He's getting a thai massage at the moment - I wanted one too but I'm too sunburnt at the moment - will get one another time.
Hopefully will meet some new people this evening - that, or have a very quiet night!! We'll see! Planning to stay in Bangkok for about a week and see where anyone else is going. I want to head south back into Malaysia, have a look at the East coast, and islands and also do a 4 day trek in the Taman Negara national park.
Buddhism Day today!! Happy Buddha (or whatever it is you're supposed to say!)
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