After the trauma at the Mendoza pool Rob and I caught an overnight bus to Buenos Aires. I know that bus travel is susposed to be much more ecologically sound than air travel (maybe I'll get some additional carbon credits for my journey through Latin America) but does this still count if the bus (a double decker no less) only carries 26 people.......I'd booked a Primero class bus for this 12hour jaunt and I can catagorically say it was the best bus yet, seats that recline a full 180 degrees, meals served with wine and english speaking movies. Rob probably won't agree with this as he was a bit jealous as the bus hostie-man took kind of a shining to me and not him. [luckily there is curtain between the seats so I wasn't too exposed to the relationship between Ben and the hostie]
One scary thing though was that the second movie of the evening was Mad Max.......after sitting through this ordeal if anyone had asked we would had denied being Australian!
The chaos of the Buenos Aires bus station didn't prepare us for the quiet Sunday streets of this city. Apparently Saturday night in BA is a big one so everyone spends Sundays in bed recovering. [This is no joke! Literally the only activity in the whole city was a TV crew taking advantage of the deserted steetsw tofilm an advert. We thought it was for soap or fragrance or something like that because the background was a cloud of paper petels coloured purple and pink. These proceeded to blow around the deserted streets with us all day so we could always tellhow far we were from the set by the number of bits of pink paper in the gutters] Did a bit of exploring around the capital and had one NDE crossing a road outside the 'pink palace' (note: not a dodgy strip joint but the residence of the president). Mental note to myself - NEVER follow someone across the road that has just arrived from a country that drives on the left hand (correct) side of the road [and never assume that a car will stop merely because you are a pedestrian on a pedestrian crossing]
After the orgy of steak and wine in Mendoza we went to dinner in a random restrauant in BA. Funnily enough we ordered steak and wine after a few moments silence while the side of cow was devoured and washed down Rob declared that this was the best steak he had ever had [it was!!!], Argentinian beef certainly deserves the wrap that it gets around the world.
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