Hi there,
I hear it is still hot in the land of scotland. It's been really hot here today but we have had some rain now and again. One of the guys that just arrived the other day used to live in tillicoultry when he was a student in stirling in the 80's - its mad talking to someone who knows about the hillfoots never mind stirling!!
Today I have been doing the feeding which was quite good. In the afternoons a thai lady called mama ooo helps us prepare the food. It's quite mad because although we don't speak the same language we can work together really well. I also cleaned out the otter pool which was quite a challenge because Olly wouldn't leave us alone - he's so curious and likes to walk all over people.
Also today I accidentally thought the new guy was a girl and called him lyndsay. I wanted the ground to swallow me up!! There was loads of people sitting at the table and i introduced myself and then asked him if he was called lyndsay (the new girls name) and everyone stared at me as if to say I cant believe you just did that! I then mumbled along digging a deeper hole for myself before vacating the scene !! I think it's okay though as i dont think he got what I was thinking or saying. Sometimes the accent barrier has it's uses! He doesn't even look like a girl, i think i must have been sleepy.
I'm going to hua hin tomorrow during the day to buy some new clothes as all my clothes are covered in mud. Think we might have cocktails on the beach and just chill out for the rest of the time. We went out for dinner last night in cha - am. I've been having bad avacado cravings for the past 3 weeks so I ordered avacado and shrimps for tea. What it didn't say on the menu was that the avacado would be drenched in this chilli sauce - puky!
I also had a foot massage which turned out to be a leg massage too. I had to wear those attractive see-through trousers again.
Anyways, got to gooooooooooo. It's market night so i'm going to purchase lots of crazy food.
speak to you all soon.
LAURA (smithers)
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