Hey guys!!!
It's been a while since i have written because i have been working hard. Time seems to go so quickly, can't believe i have been here nearly 2 weeks already!! Starting to know more about the animals which is good (especially which monkeys i can trust and which ones pull my hair). The two most evil monkeys are madge and mylo and funny enough they sit across from each other.
I bent down this morning to sweep up some fruit and nearly ended up with a hole in the seat of my trousers - the blooming ape wouldn't let go! Got a major beamer.
Anyways apart from that everything is quite chilled. I've been looking after the bears alot this week and they are really cool but dumb and their poo is yellow.
I have also been working on enrichments which involves enriching the lives of the animals that will never go back to the wild. I made the gibbon monkeys some mango and jam parcels today and they had to work out how to tear them open and lick out the jam and mango. They loved it! Even madge wanted some love after that.
A new monkey came out of quarantine today and it is lovely. It grooms and pats you. I must have spent an hour with it today.I have also cleaned out a few pools which had frogs and water scorpians in them - cripey i was scared. Things kept touching my feet and i couldnt see what they were.
There are lots of special missions going on with the shelter which i can't talk to you about yet which is poo but good for the animals involved.
The centre is situated in temple grounds and the past few mornings have been well fun. Its now into the fasting season for the monks so they chant every morning at 4AM!!! They must be hungry or something. Anyways, this is supposed to go on for 3 months (I could take pictures for you sarah (clark) if you want).
Bed bugs update : Found one of the big geckos ( the size of three hands) tucked up in my bed the other day and ever since it keeps appearing and i can tell it is thinking "hurry up and get out of here, i want the bed to myself". It gradually works its way down the wall towards the bed when it thinks i'm not looking.
Also the cat is getting a bit bugging too. i watched texas chainsaw massacre (horrible film) last night and then went to bed pretty scared only to woken up by the cat jumping off the wall onto my head - freaked ne right out!
I promise i'll upload some of my shots asap. And no lesley, I haven't been hanging out in alloa - devil woman! Glad you had lots of fun on your hols. Back to the glorious kingdom for you. Miss you.
Kaffy boyd yep got a few of the same messages at 4am in the morning! glad you had lots of tinthe park fun (jealous).
Well, nice to hear from you all got to dash, my (rice) dinner (rice) will (rice) be (rice) getting (rice) cold (rice).
Laura (woop) smithers (woop)
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