Hi guys,
It's about 6pm here, so it must be about 12pm in scotland. You are probably on lunch break right now? It's the middle of the month so guys are probably eating lots of 7p noodles (colin). I have been worked off my flexi feet today showing the new volunteers what to do - pretty scary since i don't feel i know what i'm doing yet!!
Sitting in the internet room and there is an obese thai boy behind me playing computer games. It's all "haya" "hato" "bababa" sounds crazy but it is keeping the child entertained and away from me so it's all good.
Obese thai people stick out so much because everyone is so thin. It seems the nearer the coast you get the more obese thai people you see!
Fed lots of monkey's today and only got grabbed once so feeling in quite a jolly mood. I also enriched dundee the crocodile by getting him to chase meat on a stick. he wasn't that impressed though. He was giving me the evils!
Well anyways, not much more to say. Hope you are all well and behaving yourselves. Suzanne, how's the magazine going? How's everyone in the dungeon and the rest of SWAG's motley crew? Miss you guys.
Mum and dad, I have got my signal back if I dangle my arm out of my bedroom window so i'll try and call you tonight.
Monkey, Mummy, Gem, claire, norvel, Michael, Gavatron, BC, Sandie beach, Weirdo, Gavin (leek), Fee fee fiona, G, and everyone else in case i forget anyone - miss you all.
have you found all your cats yet sarah lee nanny mcphee?
Sorry i have no chat today, stayed up late last night so need to get back so i can have a nap before dinner.
Bye everyone and remember...............................Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!
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