Hi all,
Keeping it brief tonight got to go and check on a little black puppy I found on the road down in the town. It was lying sleeping on the road and it's so small i'm sure people might not see it and run it over. We tried to get help to move it but this monk puffing away wasn't having any of it - are monks allowed to smoke???
Anyways, been quiet sleepy the past few days as it's stopped raining so it seems even hotter than before. The guys at centre had a bbq last night and are all ill today so have to cover for them as well as do my own work. Been mainly working with the monkeys and the civets (which are kind of like foreign badgers/foxes)today.
Went out for drinks the other night to this tiny kareoke (spelling) bar. Then I had to sit through three hours of thai kareoke (spelling) which is much much worse than british kareoke (vicky how do you spell kareoke?). They did a thai version of my humps that black eyed peas song - dreadful! The rum is literally pennies over here, i would bring some back but you would have to wait a while!!!
Bedroom insect update:
As i was having an afternoon nap yesterday i turned round to see I had a few friends round for a visit (hundreds and hudreds of red ants). For those of you don't know , red ants are evil, their bites sting like crazy. I literally emptied a whole tub of insect repellant on the wall - it took half an hour for them all to go (insect repellant, hmmmm).
Frog - there is a big frog/toad thing that sits on the top of my bedroon wall and croaks at the most inappropriate times (nap time).
I have to say I have only let one proper 'woop' out and that was last night. After all the beasts that are in my bedroom you would think a big black butterfly wouldn't frighten me! One of the thai workers heard from the kitchen and had a good long chuckle at me!!
I also had to get up out of bed last night once everyone was asleep to get the horse out of the kitchen area. It was munching all the dog biscuits and knocking everything over in the process. That horse eats anything. It's favourite is the compost. MMMm MMM old fruit and monkey poo, tasty tasty.
Anyway enough poo chat from me,
Nice to hear from all you swaggers.
G, a hornet is a mutch larger kind of a wasp/bee
happy lunch hour guys, can I have a ham salad brown roll please (no coleslaw) and Will, i'll have a coffee with one sugar - cheers!!!!
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