Hi all,
Im in Kuala Lumpur now. Got a lift with the honeymooners this morning. They were really kind to give me a free lift plus they weren't too lovey dovey! Some of the rainforest scenery on the way down from the highlands was really spectacular, miles and miles and miles of the stuff. The scary winding roads and the silly truck drivers determined to over take on the bends was also quite spectacular (argh!).
I had provisionally booked into a room in a place called the pondok lodge but when i got there (after much puffing, panting and asking directions) the door was locked up and it siad full. I quickly stumbled over a nice wee guest house round the corner so i'm staying there instead. I think it's actually cheaper than the other place and much much nicer plus i get free breakfast, free internet and 4nights for the price of three! I opted for a single room as there was no dorm spaces left but its still really cheap and right next door to all the places i want to see.
Going to get a much needed shower and then find somewhere for dinner and then crash!
Hope you are all okay. Nice to hear from you mum, dad, sarah, sandie marty.
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