Hi all,
Look, a picture of me!!! I'm in the process of uplading all my photos at the minute as i got a new camera. I've still got bangkok to do, and koh phi phi so you will have to just bear with me!
Moved into a dorm room this morning to save pennies. Its not so bad, this hostel is super clean. I then headed to the petronas towers but when i got there they were booked up for the day so i couldn't go up for a look at the view. Will have a look tomorrow morning. Instead, i took the underground to little india for a look about. I saw a woman full-on snot in the street - it was horrible. I seemed to be the only one bothered by it. In thailand they grog, in malaysia they snot - they obviously have different standards. Enough of the snot chat, its makin me feel sick thinking about it!
I then tripped on one of the pavements and just managed not to fully fall. Scraped all my foot though - darn those flip flops!
I went for lunch in this indian vegetarian place for a buffet. Instead of a plate you ate your meal from a banana leaf! The two indian ladies at my table were scoffing away good style with there fingers, and so was everyone else in the restaurant. the waiter soon noticed my despair (curry fingers - bleugh) and gave me a fork. The food was lovely, much better than back home that's for sure.
Walked all the way back from little india and a big storm started. I got absolutely soaked and became a source of entertainment for all the passing motorists. It was one of the worst storms I ever saw - scary scary!
Malaysia is quite is expensive for food and especially alcohol so i think i'll be teetotal for the most part.
well anyway, got to go, i believe the nice people at student loans want to have a natter with me so I better give them a call.
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