hi all,
Not much to report today. Slept in til 9am - quite an achievement. Wrote a crap C.V, watched the storm for a few hours. Once the rain had stopped I went for a walk to the shops but managed to get completely lost. I've been down to the shops loads so I must have been in a daze or something!
I was getting a bit annoyed with men in general today - I wish they would leave me alone. My politeness went out the window and I was totally growling but I think that just egged them on - grrrr! Also, all the pedestrian crossings are switched off today for some reason, adding to my bad mood!
It's malaysia's national day tomorrow so I might pop out later to see if anything fun is happenning. Hopefully I'll be able to snap out of this bad mood by then!!
tired smithers over and out
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