We have arrived back in Chiang Mai for a few days. Arrived on the mini bus Sunday afternoon. Since then we have been laying low and not doing very much. I had gotten sick after eating some Mexican food on Friday night & was still feeling a bit on the ill side until today (Tues) and Rene has his broken foot to contend with. Altho he is getting around pretty well so it is not holding us back very much.
Sunday we went to the night market for the last time here in Chiang Mai Thailand and took in all the sites and sounds of the people wandering the streets and buying hand made products. We also ended up buying a few things for the the house. A nice painting of a village that cost us 150 b (apprx $5.00 can) and will end up costing us closer to $100 can to frame it. We did not stay out too long since it is hard on Rene to walk too far for too long.
Monday not much was done. I spent time by the guest house with still not feeling that great & Rene headed to the gym.
Tues/today, been on the computer a few hours today trying to upload some pictures & check out guest houses in Phuket since that looks like the next place we will be heading. We figure that the Hospital there would be best for Rene to go to & have his foot examined & hopefully have his cast replaced with a walking cast.
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