Arrived at Canarvon Coral coast Tourist Park booked in for 3 nights had a swim did some washing,, relaxed. After lunch went for a drive to the boat harbour then Pelican point and one mile jetty it was constructed in 1897 ships would bring supplies and passengers from Perth, they also exported sheep and cattle, it ceased opperation in 1984. Went to chinermans pool( not much water ) . We drove along the gascoyne food trail farms growing tomatoes,mango,grapes,bananas bought some fruit.
9 11 2013 Magic day ,drove out to the Quobber blow holes the ruggered coast never ceases to amaze me it was spectacular. When we were driving to Quobber Point we saw a big goana being harrased by a dog we dont know how the goana faired but we saw the dog later and it had been bitten. We settled under a shelter on the beach had a swim and collected some shells then had lunch. After lunch we took some bread into the water and fed the fish it was like swimming in an aquariam there were all different coloured fish magic. Went to H. M . A .S . Sydneys memorial which is situated in direct line to where they found the ship out in the ocean . We then went to look at another light house.
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