A relaxing 3 hour bus to Ajmer ensued, next a 12Rp (7p) 10km local bus to Pushkar. As usual we were the main attraction at the bus station and on the bus. Pushkar is another pilgrimage hotspot with temples galore and set on a lake lined with Ghats - created when 'Brahma dropped a Lotus flower on earth..' No Alcolohol, no meat and not even eggs! We arrived in the dusty small town of less than 20,000 and secured the services of a man who used a trolley cum cart to push our 2x18Kg bags (larger one with a broken wheel!) to our 430Rp a night (£5.50) homestay - Atithi - some 150m away along a part tarmac, then mainly dust, roadway. Pappu, the owner greeted us and we settled in to a nice petite, clean room with fan - great! We walked and explored. It was 40+ and blue sky as usual, the roads/alleys are fairly small and less congested (and less polluted) than say Varanasi. There were temples galore and the Ghats were small and pleasant, though much less photogenic than - again - Varanasi. It was pleasantly quiet, almost serene, however as Sheryl pointed out it was much like a Scooby-Doo cartoon, where as they run the background is a repeat of the same shops/houses etc. Pushkar is patently focussed on tourists - both local and foreign. The shops, of course, follow the money, which is mainly European - so clothes/trinkets/tea/snacks/etc. are the main sellers. Hotels and restaurants are also western tailored with Western WCs and menues (Italian being a favourite!). The Euro clientele were, once more, mainly 20-30-somethings, many with the obligatory 'Dreadlocks' or 'Henna tattoo' and often clothed with satchel, Fisherman pants etc.. I half expect them to be reading a dog-eared Nitzche or maybe 'Catcher in the Rye'.. upside down... when not using their Ipad, of course... Anyhow - I digress - we had a pleasant walk then dinner and early night. Next morning leisurely start then breakfast at 'Honey & Spice' which does unusual veg. food. I had 'Muesli Deluxe' Sheryl had 'Porridge from heaven'. Sheryl's was great - mine was stunning! Banana, melon, apple base with yoghurt over then a sumptuous topping of grapes, dried figs, millet cashews, more grains/nuts and pomegranate seeds.....Sublime! We decided to chill and took it easy - I grabbed the obligatory haircut and head massage for 50Rp (66p!!) - until lunch then back to 'Honey & Spice' for a Veg. Pasta Bolognese and I had the 'Ultimatum' a bizarre mix of fig/spinach sauce with s***akes, cashews, peppers, rice, bean sprouts and more - amazing. We then relaxed - has some milkshakes at 'Om-baba' - collected our clean laundry and relaxed more - until dinner... oops there's a theme here... then Pizzas! 2 lovely Italian style wood-oven pizzas with cheese/olives/egg plant etc. a tasty change as quite frankly the Indian food in Pushkar was very poor. After dinner we went to 'Om-Baba'and had some drinks while Sheryl published a blog using the Wi-Fi I people watched from the rooftop cafe. It overlooks a main square so you see locals, tourists, pilgrim tours, shops, restaurants, tea stalls, veg. sellers and the dogs and obligatory cattle roaming for food (being shooed by stall owners mostly!) As we walked back (9pm-ish) there was a brief and pleasant rain shower that all but evaporated as it landed. It later turned into a fully fledged thunderstorm with sheet and forked lightning plus loud rumbling thunder. It was a beautiful sight which I watched from our rooftop. Downside was Pushkar's electricity then failed and we were left with no fan or lights. Thanksfully it all came back within an hour or so. Quick blog and read then sleep. We grabbed the Mueslies for breakfast then check-out (10am) and we relaxed in the local eateries. Sheryl on Kindle and me watching the local 'con-artists' with the 'float this flower in the Ghats..' trick. Targeting foreign woman they press a flower into their hand and give a spiel about floating it in the Ghats.. yadeya .. then extort various over charged 'donations'. Thankfully no-one succumbed while I watched. We walked and took the aged and bone-shaking local bus up the hill to Ajmer - then a tuktuk to the Railway station for the 16:15 to Udaipur! It is another 150km and takes 5hrs - hopefully in 2AC we have air con - hurray. We had already booked 1 night in Udaipur at a great little place - £15.50 for room, AC, breakfast, Lake Pichola View. If it's good enough will book 2/3 or more nights. Sheryl has already planned for us to go see 'Titanic 3D' here which should be both a visual and cultural spectacular I am sure.... Well that is the first half of our India & Nepal adventure and it has been amazing and fun - Remember send us a Message it only takes a minute, thanks ... speak later..
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