Engaipe!It's been a very relaxing day and I thoroughly enjoyed it.This morning I went into school, but it was Peter's first day back.I basically sat around and watched him teach occasionally helping students around the room when needed.He's really a great teacher and injects so much enthusiasm into math.It's amazing how many ah-ha moments there are here each day.Today we had a lot when Peter showed the 11th graders a quick short cut to finding the sequences.They've been taught sequences for 3 years now, but he doesn't show them the trick until 11th grade because he wants them to understand why first.I took pictures of all my rooms and students except I forgot the 11th grade, so I'm going to have to round them up tomorrow.Woops!
After school, I walked down to the café and got lunch to go.I didn't want to be in the shade at the café so I went up to ZooPark and ate on the lawn.It was a gorgeous day today.I almost got stung for the first time though because I thought I was swatting at a fly until I realized that the insect now flying directly for me was an angry bee.I'm sure I looked pretty ridiculous for a minute as I tried to kill it before it stung me.I still had a lot of time so I read in the sun and people watched for awhile.
Then I started walking toward Katutura.Apparently, none of the taxis like to be on the main road in the middle of the day.As soon as I turned down a side road, there were tons.At PAY people were just trying to share photos and hanging out for awhile.I showed them some of the videos that I've taken since I've been here.The kids that showed up early were also watching and thought it was the greatest thing in the world.Then I was supposed to be helping with physics, but when I got to the tutoring room, the boys decided they didn't want to do physics anymore.I ended up helping with some African history, which I knew nothing about and they didn't have a book for me to refer to.I could talk about Namibian history decently, but not general Africa. I then helped one of the girls learn gradients and linear equations, which she had missed because she was absent.
The girls have been begging me for the past few days to show them some hip hop.Ever since Chiquita let out that I danced.So I showed them a few moves today, which they loved, and Chiquita taught them a little routine.Dancing is so hard without music or a beat.I couldn't think at all.After that, they were just playing some sing/dance games in Afrikaans, which are always fun.JMeanwhile, the rest of the kids were spread out doing what they wanted, either trying to dance as well or playing basketball, soccer, or volleyball.PAY was very chill today.
Mom and I ate dinner soon after I got home and then went to a "Dance on Two Continents" show that was collaboration between the dance company here in Namibia and a company in Berlin.It was contemporary dance, which can be good or bad depending on your style.I thought the German company looked like they had just started dancing 2 years ago or less.It was ridiculous.And one of the guys tried to lift a girl and failed miserably because he was so weak.The Namibian group was so much better.Then one of the Berlin dancers had a solo where she moved her arms very nicely but only walked or rolled around about 1 square meter of the stage.Lastly, my favorite number was a joint dance with both companies entitled "Fallen Masks."It was about xenophobia.Overall it was enjoyable, but it wasn't that great.It was only about an hour long. I would be more interested in seeing some of the more traditional African dancing!!
Even more interesting was that tonight's showing wasn't at the National Theatre (it was last night), it was held at the German private school.Everyone there spoke German.Both mom and I found it interesting that the speaker who came up to introduce the show spoke in German a bit and then told us she prepared her speech in English because she wasn't sure if the audience would be all German speaking.Not much has changed in the German population here it seems.That's the first time I've felt uncomfortable here in Namibia; completely surrounded by white Germans that didn't want to speak English.You should've seen that school compared to the rest of the schools in Windhoek.It was probably 5 times the size of most schools or more and had all of the amenities.Even Combretum, which is a private school, couldn't even compare.
Tomorrow is my last full day in Windhoek! LVery upsetting!I especially don't want to leave any of my kids or the staff at PAY.It will be hard saying goodbye.I still haven't packed, but I can do that tomorrow night.Lol
Love you and miss you,
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