Today was very relaxing and there's not much to report.I got to sleep in. J The power went out around 9am and Robert stopped by to get his computer so that he could work from home.He told us that when the power goes out, it goes out in most of the city.There was only a small portion, where Robert lives, that stayed on.Apparently, Windhoek does this occasionally and tells everyone in the newspapers, but today was not planned.Fortunately it was morning and we had plenty of light.
I got ready expecting to go to Okahandja this morning (everything here is literally spelled as it's pronounced; I should've remembered that).MJ had asked me on Thursday what I was planning on doing this weekend and I had told her my mom and I were thinking of going to Okahandja.She immediately asked what we planned on doing there and I wasn't sure exactly since I do not know what's there.So MJ said, 'Oh well a few of my girlfriends and I are planning to go to the spa if you want a ride.'Since we don't have a car this weekend I jumped on the opportunity thinking that she was going to the spa in Okahandja because that is what they call the hot springs there.While she was at the hot springs, my mom and I would walk around and see some things, then go back and try the hot springs before we left.I was wrong.Okahandja is to the north and we went south.Haha
We ended up at a spa and wildlife reserve called GocheGanas.It was beautiful!We were up on top of one of the mountains with a fantastic view of the reserve.Not a lot of animals were out, but the last time MJ was there, the giraffes were drinking from the watering hole which is like 200 ft from the outdoor pool.Since we got there a little late, we had to eat lunch first before our treatments.The lunch was really good!Then, we each got a full body massage, which was amazingly cheap when converted to US dollars.Afterwards, we all just sat around by the outdoor pool enjoying the view and/or reading.It was super relaxing.I had to laugh listening to all of their stories because really, drama between women does not change anywhere in the world.
Since the sun was close to setting while we were leaving, all of the animals came out.I saw Pumba!Warthogs are very strange looking.Which reminds me…I heard someone say Hakuna Matata the other day!! HahahaWe also saw a different type of kudo, with bent horns, crossing the road in front of us, a whole herd, which was really cool.Apparently, the kudo with bent horns are very rare to see.My mom kept getting in the way of my camera though, so I don't know how many decent pictures I have, if any.I also so a spring buck.They're like kudo, but bigger and with black and while stripes around their neck.Again, my mom got in the way. Lol I think I got a picture of its backside.Lastly, we saw a whole flock of guinea fowl.They are strange looking birds.From the side they look very round, but then when they turn, they're flat…like those fish!They are protected in Africa, but I'm not exactly sure why, because they're a lot like chicken here.When you see them there are a ton and they breed quickly.Some of the other birds here in Africa are gorgeous!I saw a bright green, iridescent bird this morning. And a blue, yellow, white, and black striped one while I was sitting by the pool.And a midnight blue bird that was also somewhat iridescent while we were driving.Since it is winter, the landscape is pretty brown and dead green here, but from pictures and conversations I have gathered that during the summer all of the trees are much greener and some grass grows as well.
After we got home, my mom and I went down to the grocery store quickly to get some meat and fruit.My mom didn't believe me that there was one three blocks away.JShe also bought me "Long life milk" last time she was at the store.I'm not really sure I trust milk that doesn't need to be refrigerated, so I bought a carton of their regular low fat milk as well.When I get home, I can't wait for a glass of regular milk.And to sleep on a bed that is not hard as rock.Oh well.I still love it here.JI hope everything is well at home!I can't believe that I'm only in Windhoek for another 13 days.Love you and I will write later! Bye!
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