Not much was done today…I decided not to go paint balling in favor of visiting an orphanage.I'm glad I did.Before we came, we packed two suitcases of gifts for people we met, the orphanage, and the places we worked.My mom had packed a bunch of Julia's old clothing, NASA stuff and Michael Jackson CDs, whereas I packed a bunch of sketchpads, Mr. Sketch markers, pencils, folders, and crayons as well as some clothing my students had given to me before the end of the school year.
Around 1pm, we went to the Megamuno orphanage in Katutura.Pandu came with us to translate a lot of what Meme said or we said because she didn't know very much English.My mom had visited last time she was here with Dr. Hopson and Mary, another student of Dr. Hopson's.There are 21 kids all being taken care of by Meme Maria.Meme is a term used in Africa that is similar to mam and usually has a motherly connotation.Last time my mom had visited, the kids were all sleeping in the same room in a very small house.Mary had taken a lot of interest in the orphanage when she was here and donated money.With her money, they added "Mary's Wing" which has a room where the kids can play and do their homework and watch TV as well as 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.The boys' room has 2 sets of bunk beds where 7 boys sleep, either on the beds together or on the floor.The older girls' room has 3 sets of bunk beds where about 10 girls sleep I think: one to a bed, except for 2 girls that sleep together on a lower bunk and the rest sleep on the floor.And then the babies room where the little children and babies sleep.They have a large mattress on the floor and one crib for the smallest children as well as a small bed for one of the girls to sleep on.They take turns taking care of them during the night.
Since their last visit, Meme also registered with the Ministry of Youth and Education so that she could get donations and some other repairs done on the house; so the backyard also had a lot of additions.A lot of the schools and playgrounds here in Windhoek are very colorful with all of the equipment painted a different bright color as well as some large rocks and tires that are half- buried and painted.The Megamuno backyard looked somewhat like one of the playgrounds, except without all the swings and such; they just had the tires and rocks.There are large tractor tires that are on their sides and painted as well as smaller tires that are upright and used to make a smaller play area for the children.There were also concrete tubes that were recycled and painted for the children to crawl through.They also had a rooster and chicken in a pen toward the back close to a bunch of large rocks that were painted.Also because of the ministry, Meme also has some people come by to help her with the cooking and cleaning and braiding of the older girls' hair.She tries to teach all of the kids how to cook and clean as well.
When we got there the older boys were playing soccer with tires set up as the goals.The younger kids were either playing around the tires or were playing house near the rocks.The older girls were getting their hair braded.We gave Meme all of Julia's old clothing, which was very much appreciated.After giving us a tour of the addition, Meme introduced us to the younger ones.The boys didn't want to quit playing their game.JThey were adorable.I knelt down to talk to some of them and put out my hands thinking that maybe the one boy named Andro would give me a high five.Instead, he stared at me for a second and then rushed to me and put his head against my chest to be hugged.It broke my heart, he was so cute.Soon they were all around me in a circle trying to grab my hands all at the same time to shake my hand and say "Hello. How are you?" about a thousand times each.They really shook my hands.LolI was holding about 3 hands in each hand while they asked how I was and I asked them, even as Andro continued to just rest against me.Then Andro stuck his hands inside my hoodie pocket and pulled out my camera and handed it to me for me to show him what it was.When I took a picture of his brothers and sisters and showed it to him, it went nuts!All of them gathered round (pushing and shoving) to see the picture I had taken and point out each child by name in the picture.Then we did it again at least 3 more times.Soon they were all grabbing for the camera so I put it away for awhile.
One of the three year old girls took my hand to show me around the rock where she and some of the other girls were playing rock.Amelia had taken out a play camera and was taking pictures of me asking me to say cheese every two seconds.She also showed me the chickens.I talked to them for a few minutes and then one of the girls asked if I would take her picture, so out came the camera again.Not as many kids crowded around this time, but they still kept asking for pictures so they could see themselves on my camera.After I put it away, they kept poking my sunglasses.I realized that they could see themselves in the reflection and were pointing out all the kids by name.
I then watched the boys play soccer for awhile.Andro seemed to think that rolling one of the tires used as a goal was funny.The older boys weren't so happy and kept telling him to go play with the other kids or trying to nicely shove him out of the way.He kept right on rolling away the tire until some of the younger boys started their own game with a mini soccer ball.Then he wanted their soccer ball.I think Andro was about 2.
While I was sitting and watching one of the 3 year old girls, Sanguilo, came up to talk with me.She also was very content just standing between or on my legs and playing with my sweatshirt.She was telling me her colors and the names of some of the kids.The older boys started cheering because they had scored the winning goal and Jose was jumping up and down screaming, "We Win!"He now got the chance to be the keeper in the next game.He liked being keeper and he got to talk to me when the ball was at the other end, telling me that they had won 3-2.
Sanguilo found the camera while I was talking to him.This time she wanted a picture of her and me, so I quietly got Amelia to take the picture.However, Amelia didn't understand how and she kept asking me questions and facing the camera toward her, so the other kids noticed.I have a few pictures of the ground or just the top of my head.Now they were all shoving and grabbing to see who would take the next picture and who would be with me in the picture.Again, I had to put it away, for good this time.Andro trying sneaking around me to find it, but Sanguilo and I kept moving it.
Meme came over to talk to me to explain how she once had only one room for everything and how much work everything is and how now she has a room for the boys and girls and clothing and food.The kids were given a snack of porridge and I noticed one of the boys sitting alone with a soccer ball.I think the older boys wouldn't let him play and he didn't want to play with the younger boys as he was the oldest of them.I offered to play with him, but just as I did we had to go.I felt so bad!; he had set up the goals and everything.Pandu had to get into town though.I wish I could have stayed and played longer. :/
After we dropped off Pandu, my mom and I stayed in the city and walked around the market again.I've been looking for something, but I can't find one that I really like that isn't broken or cracked.I hope I find it before I leave.Several people pointed out my Miami sweatshirt and asked me about it.I wore it today thinking that no one but the kids at the orphanage would see it, but we ended up in town.I'm glad I usually don't wear it around.One car even honked and screamed Miami.We walked home.
I think we're having spaghetti tonight for a change.This time we have real pasta sauce! JOh, I forgot one thing.When I got out of the car in Katutura, there were a few kids playing in the street who automatically said, "Hi teacher."Only to me, not to my mom or Pandu.Pandu started laughing because they knew without knowing.It was very ironic.Then, when I got into the orphanage and was playing with the kids around the rock, again they were calling me teacher.One of the older kids corrected them saying I wasn't a teacher, but when I told them I actually was, he was like "Woa, no joke?"I really have no clue how they knew or why they were calling me teacher.
I have an extremely busy next four days.Should be fun though.JI will be very sad to leave; even though I'm excited for Zimbabwe.No babies yet right?I'll be home next Wednesday morning.Hope everything is still well in the burgh.
Love you and miss you all!
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