Not much to report today.Still not feeling well at all.LI was up most of the night either trying to cool down (this should not have been a problem), feeling sick, or listening to Toti.Toti is Sassquia's (another person that lives below us) watchdog.She looks a lot nicer than the other watchdogs in the area and does not bark at me, but does not like to play.Toti usually sleeps during the day and barks at anything that moves in the night.It seemed like there was a lot more moving last night.
Hopson did not get home last night.People try not to drive on any of the highways at night because most of the animals are out crossing the road.I still had to go to work this morning so I took a taxi.The school is not that far, and I could probably walk it in 30 minutes, but I did not feel up for walking this morning.I had a double period of 8th and 9th grade, an 11th grade math extra, and a 10th grade single period today.All of my classes have a test this week so we were reviewing things and making study guides for the most part today.
I had two students in my 8th grade class that would not stop talking today.If it were an American class, I would have kicked them out.I was not in the mood to stop class every 5 minutes to ask them why they weren't taking notes or paying attention and to tell them to stop talking.One of them stood up in the middle of class and undid his pant's belt and zipper to tuck in his shirt…apparently, this is a very Namibian thing to do, but I have not seen it.I really had no idea what to do…I was in complete shock I think.Lol
In my 11th grade math extra, I decided to show them card tricks and games that used math.I was a regular magician…they were very impressed.LolHowever, the cards didn't get there until half the class was over.I've figured out that the principal at Combretum is usually not at school.She teaches a few biology courses and she comes in sporadically if she isn't teaching.No one could find the cards so Judy, the secretary, called her to bring them because she had a class the same time as mine and would be coming in.She did not show up until halfway through her own class.It kindof boggles my mind.No wonder she didn't notice that one of the secretaries was stealing money for over a year until last week.
I have one white male in my 11th grade math extra.He honestly acts like the "stereotypical" black male in a white school.I say stereotypical because none of my black students ever really acted like this, but it's the stereotype that they do.
I decided not to go to PAY today because my stomach was still not right and I came home and slept for a little.I still have stomach pain and haven't eaten anything but a pear and a few crackers all day.Mom did find some ginger ale in one of the grocery stores…it is not common here, but it hasn't been helping.Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow!! :/Until then, I hope everyone at home is well.Love you and miss you!
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