Sarah and Nicola Matthews' Travels
Hope everyone is well, thanks for all your messages - I love reading them!
Having a great time in Paraty - I really love this place! It was really really hot yesterday and there was a massive storm last night. We were sitting outside an icecream place happily scoffing our faces and looking at the lightening in a nice relaxed manner when the sky literally opened. Have never seen rain like i, the roads flooded in literally two seconds and we were drenched! but it was really funny.
Today we went on a waterfall trip which was amazing. We went to visit three waterfalls and got to swim in them. They were gorgeous, i felt like I was in a film!
One of the waterfalls was called the Tabogan which had flat rocks that you could basically slide down in to a pool at the bottom. There were people standing up and sliding their way down and it looked quite scary but our tour guide persuaded us to have a go sliding on our bums. Nicola went first all daintily, feet first not going fast and made the whole thing look as easy as anything! This wasnt the case for me and Caroline, we both went skidding down at about 100 miles an hour, sideways at first then backwards and landed in a big old heap at the end!! Was shaky for ages afterwards!!
We have been eating loads since we got here so my idea of slimming when i was away may not happen!! They have lots of restaurants which are buffets where you take as much as you want and they then weigh your plate. Every meal we have had seems to consist of the Brazilian standard of rice and beans but its all really nice. The only exception was when i took a big spoonful at the buffet of what i assumed to be couscous but as i discovered after taking a massive mouthful it was a something that tasted exactly as i imagine fishfood to taste like! Caroline and Nicola thought it was hysterical but i was not so amused!!
Miss you all
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