Last entry as I am home sweet home! Despite our numberous panics that we would never make it home because of the vaste amounts of souvenirs (tat!) we had bought we managed to get everyt…
Well today unfortunately has to be one of the most disappointing days of our whole trip! We went to the Great Wall of China - very cool obviously- but unfortunatley it was really really…
Well we have finally made it to the last destination on our trip - Beijing. It has been a bit of a shock to the system as we left Hong Kong on a sunny day with a scorching temperature o…
hi, this is going to sound really strange but as i was reading my freinds journal i realised he was havin such a boring time down under and then stumbled across yours, much more interesting and better than most tv shows in the uk. hope you dont think i'm intruding or being rude, just wanted to compliment you on a very interestin journal. thanks, bear
What a disappointment about the Great Wall of China! I can't believe that it was foggy! Glad to hear that you have been revisiting the pop star syndrome like in Santiago.
Have a good last day!
See you Sunday
anne crowley
Hi girls,
ahh you sound like your having a lovely time...we missed you when you left...especially tim tam...ha ha...the pics are lovely, hope that tan is building up caroline..sure sarah is black by now...we are all good, love you loads...enjoy yourselves love annexxxxxxxxxx
only a few weeks till ya'll get back?!!?!!!? i think you should try to request asylum in ur favourite coountry, worst thing they can do is say no... will you be back in time for the Aston Fondue Reunion? 22nd July, the boys should be going, everyone seems to be crashing at mine. what are the girls doing?
Hi Sarah
No need to even mention that you are having a cool time. Those fish pics look awesome - watch out for those great White sharks - apparently they love blondes. Hope you do not come back sounding like an Aussie.
See you soon
Glad to hear that you are missing me already!! It's my second day at work today and having been wide awake at 5am, I'm hear super early today! Miss you both loads - have a fab time in Aus
Nic xx
Hope you are all well, glad to see that you have been up to some excellent ladies activities!! And how cute are the seals!
i have just bought a car, havent actually passed my test yet, but am insured on it so can drive it as long as someone is in the passenger seat!! I cant believe you are nearly half way, hope the neighbour's night went well. Take care xxxx
Having just seen your Mauri flirting photo I just had to write! That is hilarious. and beautiful at the same time of course (i'm sure the Mauri men will be chasing you now). Same old here, sun creeping through but it's still freezing. Looking forward to your next man-attracting escapades! Certainly keeping me entertained, keep up the good work, and all the best for next time, have a great day! (if only i could write in glitter on here!) xxx
Hello Girlies!!
Just caught up on all your adventures and had a good look at the pictures! You definately have to bring me back a penguin Sarah - they look great! Glad to see that your turning into a proper traveller - loved the beads! Not much news to report - got my driving test in a few weeks time so i'll let you know how i get on, fingers crossed! Being deserted by my dad next week so Clarie felt sorry for me and is coming to stay at the weekend! Can't believe your off to New Zealand already - its going really quickly. Any way best go a do some work! Take care xxxx
Hey Sarah,
I've been completely rubbish and only just got round to going on to your website yesterday - disgraceful I know! So now I've finally caught up on what you've been up to, sounds like you've been having a fantastic time! All's going well here in Brum, hosted a residential event for 45 sixth formers at the weekend which was a bit of a mission! No exciting goss to report, I went to a party in Spain a couple of weeks ago which was fab - back to Brum and reality with a bump though! Anyway, must get back to work now - cant get used to this whole work malarkey, think I should take a leaf out of your book and set off on some travels! Hope you're having loads of fun! Angela xxx
All I did was type in www.losers.com and this site came up so I thought I'd add a new message! Good to see that you have finally got your pictures up and running. Looks like you're having a fantastic time. I see Caroline has picked herself up a bird. If you ask me I would say that that waterfall was distinctly average. Think you made a bit too much of a fuss about it as it looks like I could have made it. Seriously though I am glad you're safe and seemingly really enjoying it and it was good to see your faces. Things are good for me, thank you Sarah for your e-mail, and things are good with Lisa touch wood. Nicola you'll be pleased to know your season ticket for tomorrows game is being put to good use by that strange Northern fella you choose to often hang around with. I think his name is something like Liz or Laz or something like that. Anyway, I can't think of anything that is exciting as what you lot are up to so I will leave you to enjoy Argentina and hope Boca entertain you more than the hoops! Continue enjoying it, Love Dave.
clairehanmer gosh it is you nicola and sarah. please email me id love to get back in touch xxx claire
re: Ugly sisters!