So on the 5th I took a walk a round the University of Ottawa, where I was going to study. It looked like a really cool uni! Then I took the train back to Toronto and then the train to Newmarket. The family friends I am staying with have two little girls of 3 and 6. They are the cutest little girls ever! So sweet :)
Then today after getting up late we took a trip to Wonderland. Its a massive ( and I mean massive) themepark about an hour away. It was really cool. I watched this on ice show and the rides were all crazy. Cant say I went on any, I am too chicken :P haha. But there were so many people there, I reckon a couple of thousand. It was insane! After that we came home and took the girls to swimming lessons. When we got home, all the kids were playing in the street and Allie introduced me to all of them :P So cute haha.
NYC tomorrow!!!
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