Hey guys,
sorry I havent written in a while. I was enjoying having holidays! I finished exams last Monday which was a relief! The next two days consisted of packing and saying goodbye to those who were not coming back semester.
I had quite an adventure actually getting to Toronto. It all started at the airport in Raliegh where for some reason I had to get an escort through security, get photos taken of me and then have my bags, laptop and shoes swabbed for drugs!!! I still dont understand why it happened!!!! lol.
And then everything was fine boarding the plane and we started to taxi towards the runway. And then we suddenly stopped. The captain informed us that no one was currently allowed to fly into JFK in New York because of the weather so we had to sit there and wait. An hour and a half later we finally took off (by that stage we were actually meant to be in NY already!)..and because of the weather the flight took longer. My next flight to Toronto took off at 5.50..and quess what time I arrived in NY? 5.35!!!! I was stressing by that point!!! Haha I literally jus made my flight, a minute later and I would have been stuck in New York! I was so lucky to get there in time...and not something I want to repeat anytime soon!
Finally arriving in Toronto I was picked up by my family friends and we started the hour drive to their house. Everything looked so pretty in the snow!! And there were Christmas lights everywhere! That night I pretty much went straight to bed I was so tired! The next day consisted of sleeping...and not much else.
On Friday Toronto had a snow storm and that was an adventure and a half. We decided to go out for a drive to the lake and other areas that I had seen in the summer. It was really interesting to see how different everything looked in the snow but it was so cold!!! It was heavily snowing and the car got stuck 4 times!!!! Great introduction for my first day in snow ever!!! But it was interesting! After that I decided to stay inside for a while :P
Tonight I am in the hostel in the centre of Toronto because I am off to Ottawa tomorrow!!!
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