The End
Go Airlines Check In Desk, Prague International Airport, 3PM, Tuesday 15th October.
"Don't you have a real passport?"
"Mate. You see there where it says Emergency Passport?"
"Yes, but..."
"No hang on. If I had a real passport, why d'you think I would need an emergency one? Just to piss you off? Make your day a bit more complicated? Get a rise out of you?"
When you have everything you own stolen 20 hours before you're due to fly home, after three months of hassle free backpacking, it's only right to take a moment to appreciate the irony.
Perhaps if I hadn't given away my lucky conker on the same day, it never would have happened. Perhaps if I'd left Prague on Saturday instead of Tuesday, it never would have happened. Perhaps if I'd never gone to Prague in the first place, and stayed in Athens like I was supposed to, then it never would have happened.
If that is the case, then I have to be thankful for having my stuff stolen. It was, after all, just stuff. And when you start thinking like that, you have to be really careful because people are going to start calling you a hippie.
And my hair is just too short to be allowed into their club.
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