Sam the all star Trecker
Hi guys haven't written journals in ages so have to remember back. Got on the Oz bus at Cairns and it was cool as met lots of people and the ride also includes loadsa a freebies such as kyaking, zorbing and snorkelling! Arrived at Mag Island was amazing and a pure heaven. We were staying right on the beach it was lovely. The rooms were tiny shacks but the views made up for it and we had a swimming pool. Still weren't meant to swim in sea as it was stinger season and if you did you had to wear these silly suits which made you look like a power ranger!!Went for a long scooter ride around the island as lead by our oz experience guy. Had a good time seeing the sights. Met a girl called Kirst she was ace. Also met Canadian guys and warrick's bunch. Me Kirsty and Vic tried to go for a snorkel but didnt get very far as was couldn't find the coral and were scared of the sharks(and looked like silly power rangers)! On the last day we also went for a tour to see some Koalas and saw a lovely one all cuddled up in his tree. Other than that just did some sunbathing really and relaxed lots! It was heaven.
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