Today. Not too bad for me....worse for Sara. Started the day with a wander down to the beach and a swim. The water here not as clear as some spots I have swum in this country but none the less beautiful. Followed this up with a visit and shopping mission to the Green Market to buy some fresh produce for brunch. Some of the best tomatoes I have ever tasted,5 cured meat and cheese. Also fresh veggies. All tasted very good. Cherries and stone fruit are in season over here also so I am loving it. The stall owners here all seen to be the people who are growing the produce as well so as you can imagine communication is a bit of an issue. Koliko košta? (What is the price) what is the point of asking if you don't know how to count in Croatian? Did it any way. Just makes me feel more included in the hustle and bustle and I think it makes me feel less like a tourist I guess. They probably think otherwise. Anyhow, the next thing that had to be done was get my washing done. Sara's keen research told us of a place we could go to get it done for 75 kuna. Sold. Dropped it off and headed on home for a sleep. Too easy. Slept while Sara did a walking tour of Diocletians palace. Woke up and went down stairs to the cafe for an espresso and a people watch. Very easy to do in this part o the world. Met Sara on her return and headed out to get her a mobile phone. So the phones here ate for sale at post offices and again the language barrier raises its ugly head. All I wanted was an unlocked phone. Bought the phone and told the nice lady at the counter that I planned to put a SIM card in it that I had previously bought in it. Not going to happen. The lady at the counter started to fret about it and disappeared to grab her boss. The boss came over all pissed off acting like I had done my morning ablutions in her wheaties and misled them. Did my best to calm the situation (a little amused) and bought the phone. On purchase the boss turned sickly nice and began trying to sell herself as a tourist guide for hire and gave me her business card. Piss funny. I wonder if this is how Croatian people interact with each other on a daily basis or if I just got special treatment? Left the post office with Sara laughing my arse off when Sara hit a bit of uneven pavement and rolled her ankle. Bummer. Luckily we were just across the road from the apartment and it was easy to get her home to ice it. Raced down the street and picked up the laundry and a compression bandage. Standard stuff. Strapped the ankle and iced it and headed downstairs for dinner and beers. She was a trooper. And I gave her just enough wine to get her out to the pub for a meal. Marinated anchovies and grilled squid. Awesome. Thunder storm swept in and killed the alfresco thing for the night so we went back to the apartment to argue over music and a few light drinks. Hopefully the foot will be ok tomorrow and we can go for a wander. If not then I will track down a helmet for her to wear and get our of town.
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