Ross and Nina Uncut
After Rotoura we drove south to Wellington via Napier. Napier was completely flattend by an earthquake in 1933 and was rebuilt in the art deco style of the era. Its a bit weird but was nice to take a walk around.
We picked up a hitchhiker along the way as well which was an interesting experience. Nina was worried that he was going to kill us but he was a nice New Zealander who was travelling around the North island for his holidays.
We didnt get into Wellington til late but we met up with our friend from Australia and went to the local halls of residence to watch the all blacks game against South Africa. Much drinking later we went out into town for Ninas birthday. A good night was had by all and first impressions of Wellington were good.
The next day we went for breakfast at one of the many cafes in the city and then walked to the viewpoint from mt cook on the city. On the monday we went for a walk around the city and visited the Te Paou museum. We also went up the cable car (picture) to the botanical gardens.
We spent four days and really enjoyed our time here. Think Wellington might be a contender for best city of the year.
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