We left the Kelly Inn with its' smoky smelling room (despite being assured it was, in fact, non smoking) and its' unsatisfactory breakfast and made our way to Target to get creamcheese for Leslie, only to realize it is Sunday and therefore was closed. We are heading to Grand Forks to see what we luck into there for creamcheese and then we will head for the border. This is day six of Cooper being ill and, from what I understand, gastroenteritis usually lasts about a week. Hopefully, we are at the end of it. Just reaching Grand Forks following what seems like such a short drive. After briefly heading for a Subway for lunch, we were immediately detoured by the sight of a Space Aliens Bar and Grill. Since the last one we were at was both delicious and fun, we decided to head over. Cooper has been revived by being able to get tokens with Brooke to go play in the Galaxy Games room, where hopefully they will not get quite enough tickets to win the hated alien egg. Despite constant precautions last time about NOT opening the disgusting alien egg, Brooke secretly opened hers on the back seat and now we have smears of baked on alien slime on the seat fabric and Brooke no longer has an egg :). After a successful search and purchase of cream cheese and mozzarella cheese for Leslie and items of torture (Christmas gifts bought for Brooke right in front of Brooke), we craftily stowed the cheeses in our cooler and headed off to the border. Hopefully, by going at just after lunch we will avoid too much of a long lineup of returning Manitoba shoppers. Happily, for Leslie and Richard, we have located the duty free shop in Pembina for beer for them, having totally missed it the first time over the border. With beer in tow, we head in anxious anticipation to the border with fingers crossed and spells cast, that no line up will exist. Cooper is sleeping and, hopefully, will remain that way until we hit Leslie's. James got stumped at the border when asked whose family we were going to.... it was just dead silence as James stared at the border gaurd while he stared back at James. Thankfully, I was able to lean over and calmly announce that we were going to see my husband's family. I think the exchange seemed suspicious and odd, but we got to proceed and in an hour we should be at Leslie's where hopefully I can have a date with her washing machine.
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