Don't let the single roll on Jerry's plate fool you - the other dishes have been cleared away!
This is e 2 nd attempt at writing this blog. I've been disappointed that I can't figure out how to label the map correctly, get the pictures upright, send more than one picture at a time and be able to take my time writing - the Internet eats up my words and I've had to start over many times. Also my brain hasn't been able to glean as much information as I'd like.. Would like to know if anyone is still reading - please drop us a line.
There are 144 passengers on this boat. One 90 year old lady is from Lombard, IL, our hometown! Another couple is from Naperville. We have especially enjoyed 2 couples from Great Britain - their take on American politics is right on! The guide on the bus from Prague to Budapest was an exchange student at Oakwood High School where I went! We have met many interesting people, but we have missed the fun of Rick Steve's small groups.
It has been very sobering to imagine the suffering the people in these war torn lands have endured - both physically and emotionally. Today and tomorrow we'll be visiting Bulgaria . Our good friend, Misha , lived here during communist rule and told me how careful they had to be when they talked, even in their own home, because they didn't know who might be listening
- comments
Susan Campbell Sounds like "old home week!" on your cruise--all those Illiinois people. I hope you're having a good time and that the weather continues to hold for you.