Yello all the way from wee Scotland!! We are on our 8th night of our van tour around the UK!!
It all began in London when we picked up our beloved home for the next 3 weeks only to learn we couldn't get a sat nav as we had to pre order which meant we had to navigate ourselves out on London using our iPhones with no 3G assistance!! About 1.5 hrs later we finally make it onto the freeway headed for Cambridge were we would spend 2 nights!!
The next day we travelled into Cambridge and looked around the tour it was just how I imagined it - so cute with narrow cobbled stone streets and little boutiques lining the footpaths!!
A Must do for me was a punt boat ride - we took in ride in the flat bottom boats up the river cam on a beautiful English day where it was a sunny 27 degrees!! From the river cam we saw all of the famous colleges, the bridge of sighs and the mathematical bridge. Later than evening we attended the evensong mass at Kings College Chapel which was just amazing and an experience we won't forget!!
The next city we visited was York which was by far my favorite of all so far.. The history of this city dates back to the first century which is just too hard to imagine!! We walked along the city walls and saw ruins from medieval times. A visit to the national rail museum was a hit - on display was a Japanese bullet train, the queens carriage and lots of other old trains from the past - they were much nicer looking back then compared to the old tangaras!!
After a long day sight seeing in York we jumped in the van and drive 2 hrs north to beadnell bay. About 45 mins north of Newcastle - we have joined a caravaning and camping club and this is a listed site and it was recommended to us we visit it!! I now know why!! It was beautiful set on the coast of Northern England with the ocean out to one side and the country and rolling hills out to the other with an amazing sunset to boot!
Our next city to visit was Edinbrough where we sent almost 2 days here; the first visiting the Edinbrough castle and seeing the Scottish crown jewels (my jaw hit the floor when I walked into that room - words cannot describe how amazing they look) and then climbing up Arthurs seat with more beautiful views 251m high over the whole city. The next day we took a tour around Hollyrood Palace and did a walking tour for 3.5 hours in which we learnt lots of history and funny tales and stories.
We have become fans of site seeing around a city and then jumping in the van to drive for the afternoon as it doesn't get dark until 10.30 which gives us plenty of time for a couple of hours on the road to get to the next town before dinner. This afternoon we drove to Scone via St Andrews and stood on the famous Swilican Bridge and took a few snaps whilst it was blowing a gale!
After a big sleep in after a huge day of site seeing and driving we drove a couple of hrs to Inverness to visit Doug (my uncles) family and had lunch with them and chatted - we had never met them so it was lovely to finally do so and say hello to them from all the family :)
Today we drove from Dingwall just north of Inverness through Fort William stopping off at the Loch Ness (we spotted Nessie) and Urqhart Castle arriving at Oban in the late afternoon!
I am in the process of uploading photos so you must check them out :)
Until next time, Rhiannon and Evan xx
- comments
Leonie Very informative blog you seem to be seeing and doing heaps and having a great time. Glad you caught up with Kath and Bill and found them ok. Did you sought out your ph? We are getting a lot on the tellie about the Queens jubilee celebrations. Lot of media from Aust going over for it. There are celebrations on the Thames, concerts, parades etc and I suppose celebrations everywhere in UK. Bringing back all our holiday memories hearing and seeing your travels which we are enjoying heaps. You have been gone a month now but it seems heaps longer for some reason. All is good here and everyone is enjoying your FB entries and pics Lots of love and hugs mum xxxxx
Lynne keane I am so envious it sounds fabulous love aunts lynne
Vanessa It wasn't that easy to get a number ..we sgenid up then were told to go to a location in the afternoon for our number then there was no one there,spent an hour looking for the tent.So we had two upset children and couldn't dance becasue we didn't have the numbers. I think they should have just given them out on the street rather than having this two tier sign up process. We were disappointed.
Ines Very glad everybody is safe, but my weleky commute for the 7am Saturday ferry out of Oban is looking like being a long drive (from Glasgow)! Any thoughts on whether the Glencoe diversion would ultimately be faster than the Lochgilphead diversion, or not?