Ive had a nightmare of a day! I had an email from Rebecca at PKL - the temp agency who are interviewing me on Thursday in Sydney, telling me what I need to bring to my interview. CV - check, Photo ID - check, Australian Bank Details - NO, Tax File Number - NO!! So Ive been online trying to apply for a tax file number, which Ive done, its just that it takes up to 28 days to get sent to Lisa in Coogee! I have to open up a bank account with ANZ bank in Sydney when I get there on Wednesday. Drama, and I thought I was an organised person - obviously not!
I didnt eat last night because I had a sneaky burger king at 3pm! Haha! I walked to Coles Supermarket to buy a Thank you card for Nino and Grace and ended up having a cheeseburger on the way home! Ha! Noone had any idea! Haha!
I spoken to Emily, Richard and the girls last night - I cried when I got off the phone because I spoke to Jessica and Sophie on skype. They couldnt see me because the camera this end wasnt working, apparently Sophie was really confUsed - I told her that I was behind the sofe! Haha! Also spoke to Nan and Granadad.
We watched Silence of the Lambs last night, I think I got to bed at midnight and woke up at 9am this mornig for a bacon sandwich - I was so hungry because I didnt eat last night.
Ive packed up my bag today, my stuff was everywhere in the room. Ive got a wardrobe and a chest of drawers and everything is everywhere. Ive sorted out my dirty washing and put it in a bag so that I can do that when I get to Lisa's place in Sydney.
Grace is cooking Beef tonight, its my last meal before I leave, so Im going to make the most of it and eat loads because as soon as I leave here, back to noodles, bread and nutella it is! :-(
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