Ive made it to Melbourne!
We didnt do very much last night because we had to be up at 3am. Didnt manage to get to sleep until well after 11pm. I struggled to get out of bed, even Mairaed couldnt get up! The shuttle picked us up at 4am, whilst we were waiting, we got talking to two drunk guys from Essex. They were hilarious but had no idea what was going on - we even ate half of their burgers from Burger King! They had no idea they were so drunk!
We checked in at the airport and had to persuade the lady at check in to allow one of Mairaeds bags in as hand luggage, althouth it was slightly over the size and weight limit, it was tough, but we managed it, by taking half the clothes out of it and wearing it through the gates until we had passed security. We both looked about 20 stone by the time we had all the clothes on! Mairead bought me a t-shirt that says 'sweet as' on the front of it with a drawing of the islands. It it amazing - she bought one too and we were walking around the departure lounge wearing the same tshirt and everyone was saying 'sweet as' to us - even on the plane!
We took off at 06:15 and landed in Melbourne at 08:00 (with a two hour difference behind New Zealand). We were absolutely exhausted and only managed to get an hours sleep between us.
We said our goodbyes, had a picture taken and Mairead got into a shuttle to go into the city to meet her boyfriend. I waited for twenty minutes for Nino to pick me up. It was so good to see a friendly face that I recognised from back home. We took a fifteen minute drive to Avondale Heights which is ten minutes out of the city. We pulled up on their drive and I was so shocked by what I saw - these people are millionnaires, I swear! Their house is gorgeous, a four bedroom houe, with a balcony around the first floor perimeter, three floors, I have my own bedroom with tv and bathroom and they have soft toilet paper - trust me, it makes a difference with the toilet paper if you would have seen what Ive had to use over the past two months!
They have a son Lukas, who I have literally only just met because hes been in bed all day - hes lovely. Hes gone out now with one of his friends Arthur - they invited me out but Im am so tired after having two hours sleep - worse than I felt this morning. Next time tough he said - definately!
Annyway, Grace is working today, so Nino drove me to see her. She works in a department store about five minutes from their house. We said hello and then drove back to start my adventure...
We got back to the house at 10am and Nino said that he would show me the sights of Melbourne and the city on their SCOOTER! It was hilarious - putting on the helmet and getting on the thing! We drove into the city and drove around for an hour and I felt like a complete tourist, but in a good way! He took me for lunch, I could pick what we had so we had fish and chips by the river in the sunshine. It was a lovely welcome to Melbourne and one I wont forget.
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