I cooked dinner last night for Nino, Grace and Lukas - spaghetti bolagnaise. It was the least I could do after sitting around doing nothing all day and they had been at work!
I woke up early this morning because I knew I had to go into the city to start looking for work. Grace dropped me off at Nino's office in Coburg - a suburb outside of the city and I got the tram into the city. I spent about four hours walking around, handing my CV into shops and cafes, but noone is looking for staff, so I came out empty handed. Im starting to worry now, because I need to find some work pretty quickly.
Ive been online this afternoon, applying for temp positions, so I will wait for a couple of days to see if I get a response.
Graces dad has arrived from Italy this afternoon and has moved back into the house. He doesnt speak very much English, so theres alot of Italian speaking in the house now!
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