Well, I made a complete idiot of myself last night... I have been doing the washing up after every meal since Ive been here and Ive not been filling the basin with water, Ive just been cleaning everything under the running tap. Well, for the past few nights, Nino has been making a comment at the dinner table about how Melbourne Water is not going to like this house. I had no idea what he was talking about and just laughed it off. Turns out that there is a huge drought at the moment and Ive been wasting so much water doing the washing up! I was so embarressed! I told him that he ha to spell it out to me because I was literally stupid when it came to remarks such as his! He did find it funny though. I was that embarressed, that I didnt want to finish off the last of the washing up! Cringe!
Grace cooked Fish and Chips for dinner last night, a typical English meal, just for me. It was lovely. I have tried so much fish whilst being away, Im starting to like all of it now! I couldnt even name what some of it was because Ive eaten so much of it.
I dont know how I managed it, but I slept fifteen hours last night - I woke up at 11am this morning! Must have neede it from all the hard work Ive been doing during the day. Not!
Oh, whilst I remember, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been leaving me messages and emails.
Everyone is at work today, so Im home alone again. Ive just printed off my bus pass for my trip up to Sydney next week. Ive just had a call from a lady in Sydney called Rebecca and we've arranged an interview for Thursday morning. She is going to find me some temp work in Sydney for a couple of months, so it gives me time to save up some money. She said with a bit of luck, I could be sent out to a job on the same day, if not the following day! Fingers crossed, because I need some work fast!
I hope everyone at home is okay and keeping well. Im loving the messages that Ive been getting, some from people I havent heard from in a long time! Dont worry, I know you are busy. I just wanted you to know that I do appreciate them and it does put a smile on my face reading your messages!
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