Well, after leaving last nights blog, I went on a mission to track down Adam, because I hadnt seen him all day. Obviously I wanted to make sure he was okay, but most importantly, I wanted to give him a slap for giving me this awful cold - its horrible. I spent all day yesterday sneezing and coughing. Ive even woken up this morning with a snotty nose and I cant breathe! I could really do with some sympathy now!
I didnt find Adam, instead I ended up talking to the barman, Susez. Hes from Fiji but has been living in New Zealand for the past twenty years. Really nice guy, talked for about an hour whilst he was getting ready to open up the bar and then he took a break and took me for a couple of drinks to a nice pub down the road. We talked for a couple of hours and then walked back to the hostel so he could start work again. I had a quick shower and went down to the bar and bumped into Adam. I met a couple of guys from Israel; Ran and Edan - such cool guys, they are so friendly. We had a couple of games of pool and I was doubled up with Susez and we played Ran and Edan - of course we won! Yay!
Anyway, managed to get free drinks all nght from Susez, he's even asked me to stay on in New Zealand when Adam goes back next week. Im not sure what to do, I'll make up my mind when I get back to the north island next week.
I wasnt feeling too great (and no it wasnt the alcohol!) so I got into bed at about 1am this morning.
My alarm went off at 9am, just enough time for me to have a shower and check out for 10am. Adam and I walked into town, to the harbour to take some pictures and then walked back to the hostel where they were serving breakfast for $6 - it has been, by far, the best breakfast whilst Ive been away! On the way back from the harbour, I dont know how I managed it, but there was a used condom on the floor, and me, and only me (!), managed to step on, slip and go flying into some people infront of us. It was funny, although disgusting at the same time!
We have booked the shuttle for 4pm because we have to be at the airport for 5pm to check in to our domestic flight to Christchurch on the south island, where we will spend two nights before being picked up on Tuesday morning to start our tour around the west cost of the south island - I am really excited now. Just need to get rid of this damn cold...
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