I took my boots off back at the glacier office last night and my feet were covered in blisters. When I mean covered, I actually mean three, but they were so painful - my socks had got stuck to them where I was sweating! Urgh!
Kipp (from the USA) and I cooked a beef stir fry with pita bread for dinner. It was so good! I had a really early night last night, think I was in bed by 9pm because we had to be on the bus and ready to leave by 7:30am this morning. There were a few people that looked terrible this morning, some were actually in a lot of pain! I felt absolutely fine, even my knees, which I was so happy about. The only thing that hurt abit was my feet where I have blisters. Im wearing flip flops today in the freezing cold, just so that they can heal quicker.
We stopped for breakfast at 09:00 - well, I had a cup of tea. After the stop, we made a quick stop at a water fall, it was really pretty, even better atmosphere at the bottom of it because of the rain. (Yes, its still raining)!
I drank too much tea, so two hours into the four hour trip down to Lake Wanaka, I needed the toilet. I must admit that I had to use my 'Fraser Island skills' and squat (like a lady!) in the bush! Lovely! It felt so good after though!
We stopped off for lunch, although I didnt eat again, and then walked to a lake behind the cafe. It is supposed to be beautiful when the sun is shining because you can see the reflection of the sky, trees and mountians in the lake, but of course, our luck, it was raining.
The bus trip was okay for the rest of the way because we watched Snatch on the way. It was a pretty good film - Ive never seen it before. It was nice just to sit and watch tv, read my book and sleep, because my time in New Zealand has been so fast paced, that I literally havent stopped!
We are now in Lake Wanaka and we are staying at a base hostel right by the lake itself. It is gorgeous, such a pretty little village with about 3,000 people living here. We are here for one night and then will be driving down to Queenstown for three nights.
Turns out the skydive is quite expensive, $450 (which is about 180 pounds) so I think I might give that a miss and if I think about it again, I might do it in Sydney when I get back. Ive been watching a short DVD on the bus of the four different bungee jumps you can do in Queenstown, ranging form 42m to 134m high. Im considering the smallest one which you can do as a tandem (someone attached to you and you jump together) but I am going to see how I feel when I see the damn thing tomorrow. I wouldn't hold your breath though...!
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