The world is the world, what's happening is what's happening. The only variable are my emotions, which are entirely under my control. Accepting the rain shower dampening my plans for today. Today I will watch the rain and listen to it with peace. Accepting my stomach ache. I'm sure my body will get used to the new food in a few days. Accepting my laziness. Accepting the fact that I don't want to write that much right now. The world is perfect, and it is leading me to me - who I want to become. And I am always me in the process, in the moment. Releasing the pressure and letting the energy flow. My job right now is a writer, traveling through Asia. Wow, I intended that. That's what I want! How perfect! How did that happen?!
I'm in Bali, and yes it's quite touristy. But, it still maintains the specialness about it because if you leave the touristic parts of the island, the people have not changed. They are quite lovely. Indonesians are always smiling and saying hello. As I meditate and open my heart chakra on the front porch of my homestay, I open my eyes to see the grandmother of the homestay smiling beautifully at me abd leaves a blessing (offering) at the doorstep. Wow! The inner really does create the outer, right in front of my eyes!
The rain has allowed me to slow down and feel my gratitude for the constant, simple gifts. Maybe that is the purpose of rain. Meanwhile, Im still trying to figure out the purpose of mosquitoes though as one just ate into my ankle.
Spirit is everything, so everything really matters in one way or another. Other than that, what is all this besides movement? It is all a surface level play, happening above Spirit.
SE Asia Moment #67 - You know you are screwed when the roosters outside your room are already crowing when you return from a night out.
We met this crazy Indonesian woman named Ida, while drinking a few beers. I had a mosquito bite get infected or something, and my knee looked like a puss filled balloon. She ended up drinking my friend and I to a pharmacist on the back of her motorbike, flying through the sleaze infested streets of Kuta, Bali. The pharmacist tried to rip me off like any good Indonesian pharmacist would, so instead Ida drove me to a 24 hour doctor friend of hers. After seeing a woman throw up just about everything that was inside of her on the pavement in front of the office, the doctor was ready to see me, and I was ready to see him.
It was a little different experience than the usual pre-partying that I do back home, but I'm glad I had my knee sorted out. It looked really disgusting, I mean really, really disgusting. I don't even like showing people the photos of it. Well, Bali, it's a partying paradise. I don't know what they showed you on that movie Eat, Pray, Love, but it's definitely a drunk Australian festival, filled with prostitutes and alcohol. Is that what Julia Roberts does in the film? I'll have to watch it.
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