I do love Asia. It is my home.
Now in my life, I'm basically living a life with no rules or at the very most my own rules. No limits, I can live out any addiction I want. I definitely have an addiction to Asian food, I'm actually a little fat now, first time in my life.
Kuala Lumpur is kind of a jack of all trades. It is good at a lot of things, only standing out with amazing food. Really amazing food. The array of cultures give rise to numerous cuisines shaping every street corner. It may be the hottest city in the world, with humidity that sucks the water from your skin. KL has a good nightlife and quite friendly people. Surprisingly, everyone speaks English, very well, but with a distinct accent.
I had a weird encounter the other day that I don't want to go into, but the gist of it that i take away from the experience is that everyone has a model of the world in their heads'. And the world shows up consistently in how they model it. If you try to tell them something different from that model, they break down and freak out like this guy did. Some people have a negative view of the world that they try to prove to other people, and it's funny how they go to the ends of the world to prove themselves right, even when counter proof is right in front of their faces.
KL is great. It's livable, damn hot but livable. They have really perfected the mix of Eastern/Western ingredients in this city to produce a nice concoction of flavors. I'll come back here one day definitely.
The food is awesome, it's enough of a reason to come.
- comments
Ying Well, you also know that there's another reason to go... :) I'm glad you think that KL's if Laos and Vietnam doesn't work out, will you consider KL?? :P