The Adventures of Gene & Caroline
Today we topped off fuel (100 gallons) and left Bohemia Bay Yacht Harbor around 8:42am. As we rode the tide up to high tide we crested with the tide pushing us as we passed the sassafras river. We picked up 2 knots as the tide pushed us through calm seas and a light wind.
There were VERY few boats out on the Chesepeake today. The trip was uneventful so Caroline and I just got to enjoy a nice boat ride.
Our arrival at Maryland Yacht Club was preceded with a series of emails from the club. We had a dock map and slip assignment but the cross wind pushed us away from our finger pier. Dock help would have been appreciated but, thats boating! We are at Maryland Yacht Club until Saturday morning when we shove off for Herrington Harbor South.
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Dottie Samuel Sounds relaxing so far. Enjoy!