Another early awakening to be ready for an outing, today it was the turn of the rhino. We were picked up at 7am and set off to the tracking station to find the position of the rhino, unfortunately that was harder than the guide at first thought as a fire the previous day had displaced all the animals.
Rather than sitting in the car and waiting he took us into the bush, along with an armed bloke to fend off any charging animals! A giraffe and her baby was the first sight, just munching on some leaves by the railway track - fortunately for them the track's no longer used.
We came across the rhino by the river, also munching his way along quite happily. He wasn't normally in that area, so the safari tours taking place couldn't believe their luck - the drivers even forgot protocol and let them out of the trucks to take pictures. Our guide wasn't too pleased about this as it was only meant to be people with the same licences as him that could take people on the ground - forgot to mention this was a walking safari.
We followed the rhino cautiously as he made his way further into the bush, careful to avoid the frequent sprays of urine he excreted to mark his territory!
Egg mayonnaise sandwiches and Madeira cake were served up as our brunch after the walk; the guide told his wife had made them that morning. Not sure if that was true though, as there weren't any hairs in the food as most home cooked African food has had on this trip!
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