Its been two days since my last blog and boy has it been a interesting two days, I loaded my motorbike onto the train in Lao Cai and we got on the train at 8 30 and left the station at 9pm we got sleeper tickets so we were in a room with four beds me and Daniel had to two bottom beds and there were two Vietnamese on the top bunk, I put my bags under my bed and I went straight to sleep, I was out cold I would wake up every now and then when the train would bounce around but I honestly sleept really well, I woke up to the sound of Vietnamese propaganda coming from the speakers in the train and a few minutes later we were in Hanoi, got my bags and we were off the train I found my motorbike but they had drained all the petrol out of it so it started but the unicorn soon died, some random guy on the street went and got me some petrol, I got a motorbike taxi for Daniel and we went and found a nice hotel we didn't stay at the backpackers hostel we found a place around the corner that was much nicer and we had our own room, we went out and got a translator to come with us and find a police station so that we could make a police report because Daniel had lost or someone had stolen his I phone, so we spent most of the day out sorting that problem out but I took some time in the afternoon to wonder around Hanoi I love getting lost and then when I cant walk anymore I just catch a motorbike taxi back to the hotel for a few $, we went to sleep pretty early and slept in like a boss, today was the day I would sell my bike I went around to a few places and they would only give me $100 so I wasn't going to sell it that cheap so I thought I could just donate it to some one that really needs a motorbike a asked a few places if they knew anyone that was struggling and needed a motorbike I was willing to donate my bike, no one could really help me so I went to a mechanic and spoke with a guy had meet with before I left Hanoi and he was really help full he said he knew a guy that he meet when he took his daughter to the hospital, this guy that he knew had sold his house and taken out a loan from the bank to pay for treatment for his sick daughter and the now lives 30km out of Hanoi and looks after someone's geese, and he only has a bike cycle and he does not have a job because he lives in a small villages and it takes him to long to ride to a place to find work so he agreed to take me to see him, I went and let Daniel know where I was going and the mechanic jumped on his bike and I followed him he rode like a mad man I don't think he understood the concept of a red light buy he had no mirrors on his bike so I was in hot pursuit I stuck to him like glue we were weaving in and out of traffic like mad men but we eventually got out of Hanoi and the village was 30kms out of Hanoi we got off the highway and the roads got narrower and narrower till we were riding on a waking path we cut threw some rice fields and we had now been riding for 40mins and then there was this little pond full of baby ducks and a small shack on the waters edge, we parked inside and meet the man we spoke a little and he was so happy to receive the bike we couldn't stay and talk to long the mechanic had to get back to work we shook hands about 4 times and I got on the back of the motorbikes and I went back to Hanoi, I got dropped off in the center of town and stopped at a place to eat that had wifi and I had lunch and I skyped back home and then decided to walk back to the hotel my beared had started getting real annoying and I found some guy on the corner of a street that had a mirror hanging on a tree and next thing I know im getting a shave on the side of the road I haven't had a clean shave for a few years now and he used a one blade shaver and 15mins later I was done my face was burning I got back to the hotel and had a shower and put some moisturiser on and I feel better now I just had some dinner and I was feeling brave so I had fried frog legs for dinner and they were great I really enjoyed them in just going to wait and see what my digestive system thinks of frog, while I was out Daniel was meant to organise the train to Hoi An but the trains were all full so he bought plane tickets to Hoi An and we leave tomorrow at 11am so we got to pack and get to the airport tomorrow and off to Hoi An tomorrow.
- comments
Matty Awesome idea to donate the Unicorn. Way to go Phil!!