Dam it i just wrote a blog but it didnt Publish and iv lost it.... To make a long day short our bikes had some minor mainatance done in the morning and we picked them up at 12. got our wireless head sets connected and hit the road it was so good having two pairs of eyes on the road it usefull when ur surrounded by 30 moroebikes and you have the random bus plowing threw the traffic. 30 min in to the ride the heavens irrupted and it rained with in seconds everyone had ponchos on except for us, we got drenched... it was a nice change from the 33 degree heat. the rain stopped and 30 mins later all my clothes were dry. but there was one small problem after the rain my Unicorn got water in her spark plug... quite simply she lost her Spark... but do not fear there is nothing sticky tape cant fix and in no time she got her spark back and we were off. we headed out to the outer suburbs of Hanoi and it was so much nicer, still as many bike on the road but at least there was a road in the city the roads are filled with vendors and parked motorbikes so a four lane rd becomes a one lane foot path... we had a chat with some locals about where we want to go and got some really good feed back. so tomorro we first have to pick up my unicorn i get some electrical problems fixed and by 10am we sould be out of Hanoi heading East to Halong Bay hopefully we can get our bikes on a ferry and ride threw some islands and see some caves and spen the night on a island before heading into Halong Bay City for the ther night and then on towards the Chinese Border.
Tomorro will be the Unicorns First test 4.5 Hour ride to Halong Bay thats if we dont get lost... and we have been making quite a habit of getting lost....
- comments
Diana Hmm.. My car has been acting up from the spark plugs...maybe a bit of sticky tape will get her sparking again. Thanks Phil!
Natalie C ...Ah...theres the two words I was waiting for......unicorn and sticky Hoping ur baby Unicorn wont lose its spark again... Enjoy
Matthew B Way to go, Phil. Nothing like getting drenched, and then drying off in that heat!! So you managed to fit all your goodies in that backpack? Well done!
Beno Micut I bet you're thinking - a Portable GPS system would have been pretty snappy about now hey Phil?...Nonetheless, getting lost is half the experience. May the Lord keep you both safe and have a great time at Halong Bay!!
phils-motorbike-adventure Hey Matt I have packed as light as possible I only have 9kgs in my big pack, I have already run out of jocks tho I need to get some stuff washed in the next town, I'll start wearing things inside out till then...
Karan Cathy Thanks! I love Vietnam!!!Lynn- The cave was so incredible, felt like it went on foeevrr! And we visited a fishing village on a bamboo boat which was also an amazing experience!Kristine I'm having the best time thanks love!
Bggfkud I don't see anything in the rules pienevtrng friends and family from entering! I don't think my phone takes good enough pictures for this contest, but otherwise I would submit!