Today has been one of the most amazing days of my life, if I were to write everything that happened today it would take me hours, but I'll try and write as much as I can.
Today started at 6am and we got the bikes loaded filled up gas and we were on the road by 7, we found a dirt road that we wanted to take 120Km north to Meo Vac, the road was great massive pot holes, we even had to follow a bulldozer at one point he was clearing the road ahead of us, we were now completely off the beaten track there was nothing no cars, and we would see one motorbike every 30min, the road became really rough and we could barley get our bikes up the hills, there was lots of loose rock on the track and it was pretty hard holding the bike upright, we were now a few hours in and the Canadians chain came off we fixed it on the side of the track, we kept riding and we passed some amazing water falls, we even had to ride threw one, we stopped along the way to take some photos, but this was nothing compared to what was ahead of us, there were lots of forks in the road and we would guess weather to go left or right, it worked well till we found our selfs at the end of the road at a hydro electric power plant, we found some people and they told us to head back, we got to the top of a mountain and the could wee a track that continued further ahead, we got off the main track and found a track that I think was intended for walking, we were now riding no faster then walking pace and we riding pasted peoples homes way up in the mountains, we saw a track on the other side of a mountain but couldn't find how to get there, eventually we did, but there now was a small problem, we had to cross a river with the bikes, we first walked threw and the water was above me knees in some points and it was about 12 meters wide and it was moving pretty fast, so we sent the unicorn in first, I rode into the river and allen helped push me along but the bike stoped half way, but some how my electric start worked and she came back kept her reved all the way to the other side and I had made it, we got everyone across, buy this point we had been riding for 1.5 hours since we hit the power plant and we honestly only done 3km max, we were all wet now, and pretty exhausted we needed a break, so we all lumped into the river the water was beautiful and it was so clean, there were people living above the river they were all watching us, we stayed in the river for 20mins and got the bikes started again and were back on the track, the track was now really narrow, Im so surprised the bike held together we rode along the track for another 45min, and then as if this ride could not get anymore epic, we got to the end of the road, ahead of us was a massive swollen river, and absolutely no way of crossing it, honestly I couldn't help but laugh, we saw some people on the other side and they had a bamboo raft, we got their attention and one guy come across with the raft, this was the only way we had already been riding for more the 4 hours we weren't turning back, we sent the Canadians off first it was two bikes at a time, the raft had no motor and it was only about 1meter wide they got across fine, and then we got on Daniel was at the front I was at the back, we had all our gear with us but we got acorss no problems we gave the guy $5 and we were off again, we were now riding threw corn fields and had another small river to cross we were now experienced, and it was no problem and a couple hundred meters up ahead you wouldn't believe it…. A road, boy were we happy to see a road, we found out where we were and after riding for over 5 hour we had only covered about 40km, we had 100km left to ride till Meo Vac, we rode threw villages and rice terraces, there was still barly any cars on the road, this was real Vietnam the people were all working in the fields, even kids were waling along the road with their parents carrying huge bags on their shoulders, we had no time to stop to take some photos but the people were so authentic, there were some people selling water melons on the side of the road so we stopped and bought one, we had only eaten biscuits and the water melon was really good, we bumped into the motorbike tour group again and they just rode past, at least we knoe we were going in the right direction we kept riding and the views of the surrounding mountains was the most beautiful view I had ever seen I cant even try and explain, we had 40 km to go and now we were climbing up into the mountains and there were so many people live in these remote mountains they all had different styles on cloths on and, they would all wave to us as we rode threw, there were little houses scattered all along these mountain side and we were now riding in the clouds we were really far up in the mountains and yet there were still people farming and living up in the clouds, we couldn't stop admire where we were, it would be dark in 30 mins and we still had 20km to go, but then my chain fell off, so we had to fix it on the side of the road and we now had some time to look around but 5min later it was back on and we were off, my bikes brakes were cooked they barley worked we now had to ride down hill till Meo Vac and it was starting to get dark and it was now cold, we got into Meo Vac just before sundown and checked into a hotel for two night this place is to amazing to not spend some time exploring the area, there is no place to eat food that dosent have flies on in so it was biscuits and chips for dinner and, then we found a karaoke place and we all did some karaoke it was full on locals and we sang a few English songs, but they take their karaoke very seriously its like a sport, we enjoyed the karaoke session and that's about it, I know I am going to remember this day for the rest of my life it has been amazing and I feel so overwhelmed knowing where I am and seeing these beautiful simple people, its an experience I will never forget…
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Diana Karaoke. August 17. Done.