Vietnam Motorbike Adventure
Finally i have arrived, Iv found a great place to stay, Hanoi Back Packers Hostel $6 a night "you beauty" i arrived at 1pm and got a taxi into hanoi which took about 40mins and we waisted no time looking for a motorbike the Hostel was very Helpfull, went and wodered around for a few hours till we found some bikes for sale, we got in contact with a mob at Fleminggo Travel that had some 100CC hondas for sale they have a red one and a black one the guy that runs the place is a foriner so conumication was easy and we chatted
- comments
Diana The Unicorn!!!! Best name :)) Don't eat anything if it's still moving you guys!! :-/
chris Sounds like great fun, bet daniel is loving the v-tec in them hondas, all the best.
sandra Howorth hi boys wonderful work, good to see you are exploring all the bits we never see on normal holidays, im so jealous, stay safe, sandy monashheart