Back to the mainland now but have had a few wonderful days on Stuart Island. I decided to upgrade to a B+B instead of a hostel as it looked like a nice place and so i stayed at Jo and Andy's which turned out to be great choice.
Getting there was a laugh to, as the night before leaving i phoned the airline company for last minute deals the next day and bagged myself one space on the 8 seater plane. Even though it was a 20 min journey it was the best flight i've ever been on due to the senery and size of the plane. Although views of Stuart island from the air were impressive the highlight was seeing a full circle rainbow as we flew through a patch of low mist, this must be quite common though as i was amazed the local next to me was having a wee sleep!
The next day (after a brilliant breakfast by Andy) i decided to hire a mountain bike and go off exploring on my one full day on the island. At the shop the guy let me keep the bike for the full day as in winter time there aren't many people waning to cycle around. He sugested a route which sounded great appart from the fact that i got lost up a hill in the bush. I must of taken a wrong turning as the road turned to mud/rock and suddenly just over a hll there was a 10ft hole taking up the entire road. After skirting around the drop through the forest there was then an incedibly steep hill to go down! On a bike! All worked out in the end but the man in the shop had a good laugh when i told him where i'd went. As well as getting lost i saw a few great sights and heard some brilliant bird calls, that may sound odd but the birds on the island are amazing (although very hard to spot). Te most interesting thing was a massive anchor chain that is supposed to symbolise the islands conection to the mainland, to everyone else its just really cool. On the cycle back i even saw some more seals or sea-lions (hard to tell from a distance) playing in the shallows. Back at Jo and Andy's i met a nice guy from Cornwall and so we had a wild night playing board games before i took my aching legs to bed.
Again in the morning a very tasty breakfast before down to the shop to buy my ferry ride home (had to slum it back by boat, plane was too expensive). It was at this point i realised i had $70 left and there were no cash points on the island, slighty worrying but luckily the ferry and connecting bus cost $67 so all was alright.
With $3 i my walet and a load of good memories and photos i have just checked into a hosteland amgoing to take a bus back to Balclutha to see the distant cousins again which should be great. All to do now is count down the hours till Sanday arrives!
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