Sice the last time this was updated Sanday and i have done a huge amount. When we arrived in Queenstown we asked about the road South to Milford Sound and found that with chains we could get there so we set off down to have a look. The drive down was brilliant as it was through mountains and lakes all the way and a decent amount of the time the road was iced/snowed over. In Milford we decided to take a long boat ride out down the water to the sea which was a great choice as the mountains rising straight from the water and the huge waterfalls falling beside the boat were stunning. At time when the wind picked up it blew the water verticaly up and made it look like gravity had given up. We were even lucky enough to see a seal but by the look of its tired expresion i imagine its quite used to flash-photography.
After Milford we got back on the road and headed back up to Queenstown. On the way we had a great night by a lake with a nice big campfire which was great idea as it alowed us to fill our hot water bottles and not freeze so much inside the van at night. Back in Queenstown we arrived just in time for a great fireworks show celebrating Winterfest and afterwards discovered a few great bars to relax and warm up in. The next day i decided it was time to do what i had planned for a while and so we went to the bungy shop. The bungy i did was at the top of a mountain overlooking Queenstown, but as i was standing on the ledge the nice view wasnst the first thing on my mind i have to say. A 43m drop from the ledge was how high it was but believe me it looks a lot higher up there. After building up the courage to jump off head first it was a great feeling free falling, Sanday even managed to get a great photo.
We felt we had seen enugh of queenstown so headed North to Wanaka for a bit of skiing. We chose to go to Treble Cone ski field (as it was the only one open) and it was a great day skiing through fresh powder. The only problem was that the fresh powder was a bit too fresk as it was snowing a LOT the entire day. This didnt deter us however and we were one of the first up the mountain and one of the last down, but we were totaly soaked. Looking at a calender we realised we only had a couple of days to get the van back to Christchurch so we set off up the West Coast stopping to have a llok at Fox Glacier and at this very moment we are staying beside Franz Josef Glacier. Thin we will go for a wee look before we get going but thats only if the rain stops.
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