After i left Dunedin i took the bus down to distant relations who live in Balclutha. They very kindly had offered to put me up for a couple of days and so i was staying with Nancy (my Granny's cousin) and had a few trips to the local sights with her sons family.
After a thinking about what to do until i meet Sanday up in Christchurch, i decided to make my way down to Invercargill and then across to Stuart Island. When i was going to book the bus Tania (who i was staying with) offered to have a sight-seeing trip down the coast at the same time as giving me a lift to Invercargill which was brilliant as i would never of got to see anything if i took the bus.
The trip down was great fun and we saw a heap load of great sights such as; waterfalls, sea-lions, beautiful beaches, frozen lakes, a fosilized forest and the Southern most point of the South Island. Arriving in Invercargill late that day we found a hostel for me to stay in and so i said my goodbyes to Tania and Nancy and booked in for the night. The next day (today) i booked a flight on an 8 seater plane to Stuart Island and am due to fly over this afternoon. Its a long flight of 20mins and so i hope the in-flight entertainment is good!
Will hopefully put up some photos of Stuart Island soon.
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