Abbie - This morning we awoke early had a beautiful half-hour in the ocean. Then we came back for lunch getting ready for our sugar mill tour in Tully. At one o'clock we left and drove to where our tour departs. Then the lady who was our tour guide came in and took us through a few rules. Then we went off and watched the sugar cane's get tipped over onto a conveyer belt. The place stunk but we got through without dying. When we got back we drove off and went to the golden gumboot. The golden gumboot is eight metres tall symbolising the highest rainfall that Tully had in a year. After, as we were driving back to Mission Beach, we saw a cassowary crossing the road with its baby! We kept driving and got to our caravan park. We went in the pool there and played a few games for a couple of hours. After dinner we went to bed.
Olivia - This morning we had breakfast and then relaxed in the sun. We headed over to the beach for a swim. Apparently the beach was warmer than the caravan park pool. We played a few game sin the water and then we had to leave. We had a sugar tour at one o'clock. We arrived at the hut where they have a little talk and got orange vests on and hard hats. Me made our way into a noisy stinky factory. We heard lots of information and even got a back of raw sugar each to take home. We looked at sugar getting burnt. We left and headed for the giant golden gumboot. We left to get some gas and got an ice-cream while we were there. We went to our caravan park and excitingly again hopped in the pool. We had macaroni and cheese for dinner and the we went to bed.
- comments
Aunty Lynne You guys are so lucky to see a cassowary in the wild! We didn't see one at all, even though we kept looking. When we did a sugar mill tour a machine had broken down so the whole mill stopped working - but the sugar cane tasted pretty good unrefined! Did you get to try a bit?
Abbie No we didn't get a taste of unrefined sugar cane.