Day 16. Breakfast in the van of pancakes with maple syrup cooked by my lovely wife Raechel. Yummy! After some domestic chores we drove into busy Alice Springs town centre for some shopping and sightseeing. Lunch and a walk through the Olive Pink Botanic Gardens. The chef's chicken soup with herb and cheese damper very tasty. Very interesting dry arid flora not seen in our home region - notably Crimson Turkey Bush (Eremophila latrobei - see photo), Silver Cassia (Senna artemisiodes), Striped Mint Bush (Prostanthera striatflora), Dead Finish (Acacia tetragonophylla), Rock Fuchsia (Eremophila freelingii), Red Mulga (Acacia cyperophylla), Turpentine Bush (Acacia lysiphoia), Myall Gidgee (Acacia calcicola) and the very rare Waddy Wood (Acacia peuce). A lazy late afternoon at the van and a barbecue of lamb chops, potato and salad. Getting warmer, tee shirts today 20 degrees. Heading into the far north tomorrow.
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