As planned we headed to the Lost City first up. It was an overcast day and a bit cool (26 deg) this made it comfortable walking in amongst the massive sandstone columns at the lost city. The kids were able to pick out different shapes that the stones made. We enjoyed walking through the massive structures and it was a good start to the day. After a quick morning tea at the springs we packed up camp and started heading north; we had no clear destination today so were in no rush. Limmen NP certainly has a lot of rivers and every 30 or so k's saw us crossing another river of some size. In one crossing we spotted our first crock! He was 2 to 3 m long just floating about in the pool downstream of the crossing. The kids were very excited so we all hopped out for a closer look. The croc was not phased by our presence. We stopped at Towns River for lunch and tried a quick bit of fishing, there were lots of gar and bait fish swimming about but no luck with anything else; again this was a fairly substantial sized river. There was a nice campground where you could spend a couple of months with a boat chasing barra. We drove on to the roper river and came to Tomato Island campground, we were amazed to see acres of caravans and decided it looked too busy for our liking ( it was only two o'clock so not too late) headed to just passed Roper Bar to a gauging station! and camped there for the night. The track in was a bit rough but we had the whole section of the roper to ourselves and the kids enjoyed playing in the sand (a bit back from the waters edge ) tried a bit of fishing with no luck , just a few smaller sooty grunter and catfish. We climbed up the rocks at the gauging station and enjoyed a panoramic view of the roper and surrounding hills. We explored some of the rocks around the site and found a few caves and evidence of the aboriginal people who lived in the region. The night was very quiet and it felt like we really were a long way from the rest of the world.
- comments
Nat and pat Happy birthday Kim! Hope you're somewhere beautiful for an outback birthday!
Kim Thanks Nat, always somewhere amazing in this massive country of ours!!!